This post is for my therapist colleagues who have been looking for a safe, trustworthy guide in their anti-oppression work and a program to support the journey.
My beloved colleague, Dena Omar, LCSW, has created an amazing program called The Anti-Oppressive Therapist. I have had the honor and the privilege to be in community with and learn from Dena intimately for the past 9 months, and I am overjoyed to share this opportunity with all of you to have access to her brilliance.
Dena's 6-week introductory course helps white therapists begin or continue their journey toward liberatory counseling so that they can do less harm to queer, trans, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (QTBIPOC) clients and colleagues.
The program starts next month and there are still a few openings in this cohort.
In this group, you will:
Meet on Zoom weekly with your cohort for coaching sessions with Dena
Get to know yourself, your history, your beliefs, and biases
Learn how to spot oppression within yourself, your community, and your practice
Have weekly at home assignments that deepen your awareness and help you practice your anti-oppression stance.
Most importantly, you’ll have the opportunity to make intentional, constructive action toward dismantling the oppressions around and within you and in your therapy practice.
All with the support of an incredible therapist/coach and an intimate community of like-minded therapists.
You can register through June 17th, 2022 and live coaching begins June 23, 2022.
I recommend not waiting to sign up if you are interested, as there are just a few spots remaining and this is an amazing opportunity you won't want to miss.
If you’re ready to be part of a community of therapists who are thinking about AND talking about AND acting to dismantle white supremacist therapies, smash the patriarchy, and generally turn things upside down, The Anti-Oppression Therapist is the place for you.
In Solidarity,