In September 2019, a radiant being walked into my office in Encinitas, CA, one afternoon unexpectedly. She found me barefoot in a cloud of dust and sweat, cushions strewn everywhere with music playing as I was vacuuming my sofa and giving my space a deep clean. I yelped and almost jumped out of my skin when she said hello, and blushed like I had been caught red handed. She looked perplexed and bemused by my state. I said hello and she said, “Hi, I'm Jenssa Goodman here for my interview.” My mind raced as I was dying of embarrassment…had I mixed my calendar up? No, it turns out, Jenessa was excited, eager, and one week early for her interview!

This was a hysterical start to our new relationship that would soon traverse very uncertain times and unbelievable changes on so many levels.
While I had provided consultation for colleagues in EMDR prior to hiring Jenessa, this was my first time employing and supervising another clinician. And, wow, did I have A LOT to learn

I look back with bemusement at my naivete and appreciation for how much we both have grown through our experience working together. It has been an amazing opportunity to learn and grow with Jenessa through the years. I am profoundly grateful for the grace she offered me as a new group practice owner and clinical supervisor.

Particularly given that my launch coincided with the onset of a global pandemic that took us from seeing clients in a lovely office near the beach to sitting in uncomfortable chairs at home, navigating shitty and sometimes non-existent internet connections, providing trauma care during a massive collective trauma for years. I honestly don't know how we did it, but we did, and we served a lot of people in need during that time and supported each other in the process. I am profoundly changed by the experience. I have had the pleasure of witnessing Jenessa blossom into a highly-skilled, exceptional trauma therapist, offering compassionate, effective healing to many clients over the past 3 years under unbelievably challenging circumstances. Her brilliance, education, passion for learning, lived experience and unique perspectives cultivate into service and psychotherapy that makes a profound difference in people's lives.

In the coming weeks, she will be completing her PhD studies and beginning her dissertation, as she embarks as a new entrepreneur in private practice! Please join me in celebrating her success and wishing her abundance in her future endeavors as she shares her gifts with the world.
Beginning April 6th, you will be able to connect with Jenessa in her new private practice at www.jenessagoodman.com.
Until then, she has just a few openings available before her transition, if you would like to schedule a consultation with her before her transition, you can do so here.